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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make The Eye Studio a proud provider of vision care products and services in Panama City Beach.

Mona Patel, O.D.

Dr. Mona Patel has provided comprehensive eye care in Panama City Beach and the surrounding areas since 2012. Dr. Patel decided to open The Eye Studio with the goal of providing quality healthcare using the latest technology in a concierge-like environment. She takes a holistic approach to eye care, combining ocular wellness with aesthetics, to help her patients feel and see better so that they may enjoy a lifetime of healthy vision.

Dr. Patel grew up in Central Illinois where, from an early age, she had her eyes set on a future in optometry. Dr. Patel attended Illinois Wesleyan University where she earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Biology with a minor in Business Administration. She went on to complete her Doctorate of Optometry (OD) degree in 2004 at the Illinois College of Optometry where she graduated with honors. Dr. Patel has completed additional training in the areas of low vision, pediatrics, specialty contact lenses and ocular disease. She particularly enjoys getting to know her patients and takes pride in providing exceptional eye care.

Dr. Patel started her career in optometry in Chicago at a new practice where she was involved in both the clinical and practice management aspects of optometry. In 2006, she moved to New Orleans where she joined the ophthalmology group at the Ochsner Clinic. Here, she practiced primary care optometry with an emphasis on treatment and management of ocular disease, ocular complications of diabetes, glaucoma, contact lens fitting, and co-management of cataract surgery and refractive surgery. She was involved in the education of both optometry and ophthalmology students and residents. In 2010, she moved to Panama City Beach where she has been focused on practicing full-scope optometry.

Dr. Patel lives in Panama City Beach with her family. Her husband is an Interventional Cardiologist with the Cardiovascular Institute of Northwest Florida. They are the proud parents of 2 sets of very active twin boys who love playing sports. Dr. Patel spends her free time working out, traveling, reading, and spending time outdoors.

Marie Laramore – Practice Manager

Marie was born and raised in California. She and her son moved to Panama City Beach in 2012. Marie has a B.A in Psychology and an A.S in Opticianry, as well as being a Certified Lab Technician. She is licensed through the Florida Board of Opticianry and continues to work towards higher education and certifications. Marie is a member of the Professional Opticians of Florida where she works each year to continue to stay on top of new technologies and laws to make sure she can bring you the latest and greatest in eye care.

Marie has been working in various eye care settings for 9 years, gaining experience as an ophthalmic technician, optician, and in management. She is dedicated to the highest level of patient satisfaction.

In her free time, Marie is passionate about travel, gardening, and education. She loves spending time with her family and friends. Marie’s goal is to make sure you leave The Eye Studio having enjoyed your experience.